BMSB (2024-2025) - Season starts 1st Sept 2024
BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September 2024 and 30 April 2025 (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.
- The Shipped-on Board Date, as indicated on the Ocean Bill of Lading, is the date used to determine when goods have been shipped. Not the “Gate in” date.
- UK and China are still classed as “Emerging risk countries” - Goods imported from these countries and classified under Chapter 94 & 95 will be subject to random BMSB inspections
- Any high-risk goods packed inside reefers must be BMSB Treated prior to packing into the reefers.
- Goods coming in from Japan, China and the Republic of Korea - Heightened surveillance only
All break bulk, flat racks and open tops (including in-gauge) MUST be treated offshore prior to arrival into Australia
If goods have been shipped untreated and are transhipping, have them treated in the transhipment port to prevent export
All ro-ro vessels that berth at, load or tranship from the target risk countries, will be required to undergo a mandatory seasonal pest inspection on arrival in Australia.
Approved BMSB Treatments-
The Following Countries below have been Categorised as Target Risk:
Goods that fall within the following tariff classifications have been categorised as target high risk goods and WILL REQUIRE mandatory treatment for BMSB risk.
Goods that fall within the following tariff classifications have been categorised as target risk goods and are only subject to increased onshore intervention through random inspection.
Mandatory treatment IS NOT required.
For all other goods that are not categorised as target high risk and target risk goods, BMSB seasonal measures do not apply. However, if they are part of a container or consignment that contains target high risk or target risk goods, they will be subject to the measures.
NUFT (New, Unused and Not Field Tested)
From the 1st December, certain tariffs that can meet all of the BMSB Nuft criteria will not be subject to Mandatory Treatment
- Manufacture must have started on or after 1st December of the current BMSB risk season and
- Classed as new machinery, vehicles, vessels/new complex parts and equipment and are classified under the following chapters only - 82,84,85,86,87,88 and 89 and
- Accompanied by a BMSB Nuft Manufacturer’s Declaration (that meets minimum documentary and import declaration requirements policy)
If the NUFT Criteria is not met, the goods may be directed for export or onshore treatment (containerised only).
NUFT Declaration MUST state the manufacture start date.
Refurbishments are not deemed to be new and unused
120 Hour window - Post Treatment and Transhipping
Goods treated in a target risk country are subject to the 120-hour post treatment window when treated prior to 1st December.
- Containerised goods must be sealed in the container.
- Break bulk goods (incl FR and OT) must be shipped on board the vessel.
- If break bulk has been shipped outside the 120-hour window (but less than 48 hours over), and evidence can be provided, the in-transit policy may be enacted.
- The 120 hours does NOT apply to:
* Goods treated in non-target risk countries
* Goods treated after 1st December
- Breakbulk goods that tranship in a target risk country prior to 1st December, are subject to the 120-hour window. Does not apply to sealed containers.